Art & Design Market

Join us for our Art & Design market and meet a diverse group of artists and designers. You will have the opportunity to shop their creations, some of it for even a better price.

Meet Rose Svane, the vibrant author of the book 'Hæklerier,' and immerse yourself in a selection of crochet pieces to inspire you all while also showing crochet techniques.

Julie Haverkamp will join us to create personalized drawings and launch her new poster collection.

Pia Kirkeskov Andresen presents an exclusive curation of August Sandgren boxes and unique objects, all available at special prices.

Katrine Martensen-Larsen will be here to share her expertise in interior styling as she showcases and offers her books 'Living with Art' & 'The Season' at friendly prices. 

Julie Brandt is going to join with an exciting selection of marbles, lamps, hardware and brass, that will be available for a better price.

Embrace sustainability with Mille Colin and Marie Caroline's curated collection of COSCH pieces. 

Hope to see you there!

Date: September 1 & 2

Time: Friday: 14.00 - 18.00, Saturday: 10.00 - 15.00

Location: Audo House

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